
Scottish hotties?

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i'm going to studying abroad in scotland at one of the universities. are there any cute guys in scotland? i mean i kno i'm going there to study but i do need some incentive! even it it's to look! and foodwise? i'm american so are there are foods that resemble american food?




  1. well here in scotland we have the image of the s**y rugged highlander who tosses cabers, eats porridge and wears nothing but his well-endowed package under his kilt. Unfortunately, if you're going to a university you'll likely be going to a big city...and it's likely all you'll see are neds (yob/ hoodlums). Although there are some cute guys around, u just have to hunt them out :P

  2. there are some very cute guys around in scotland but, like the other person has already said, don't expect to get off the plane and find wall-to-wall hunks ... also at uni not everyone there is going to be scottish, there'll be people from all over the world including other foreign students like yourself

    I didn't think UK food was all that different from american food ... you've exported your hamburgers, pizzas and many other foods to us already ... we also have plenty of indian, chinese and turkish fast food restaurants ... maybe you need to get your mother to teach you how to cook some of your favourite dishes so that if you get to feeling homesick you can do something about it ... I certainly didn't die of starvation when I visited USA and I hardly think you would in the UK either ... be adventurous and try some haggis with bashed neeps and tatties, or a deep fried Mars bar
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