
Scottish nisbet family

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I'm currrently trying to do a family tree of the Nisbet Family. I know so far that my family came to Tasmania, Australia from Scotland in 1857 on a ship called Great Tasmania. But the problem is that I do not know their names. all i know is that there was a male and female and thier son who's name was William Nisbet who is my great great grandfather. I also know that he married f***y de feure in 1901 here in tasmania.

if anyone knows who those unkown people were or anything about the nisbet family in scotland please answer




  1. like finding a needle in a haystack, you need to find ship passenger lists- if they exist! on the 1851 census there are 1889 nisbets in scotland 6 years before they left for australia


  3. What age was William when he married f***y and from what part of Scotland did they travel. Was William born in Australia.
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