
Scottish rap!!!! these artists are much better than any other uk artirst, what do ya all think ?

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if you havent heard them dont come in and diss them. they are really good. and imo better than any english artist. even at battles 1 of them is a real good battler

LOKI - glaswegian and has an album out called Friendly World. and imo one of the best albums of the 00s


Respek Ba - this is the great battler but he also makes really good music. check his myspace

also notable arists that are really good from scotland:

Gasp, Marrick Layden

check all there my spaces, they are really good




  1. You should post links to their myspace pages. A lot of people (including me) are too lazy to actually search. Post a link and I'll give it a listen.

  2. lololololollololololollololololollololol...

    what are they on? a "wee" bit of crack?


    wee bit of


  3. Ok....Lyrically they aint bad but the flow is awful, Im from UK and I like the scottish accent but in a rap it just doesn't go.  Sorry just my opinion.

    Now french rap is different....Supreme NTM are the bomb, lyrically, the language and the whole flow is flawless, even people who don't undertand french love them.

    Ur guys, nah man!

  4. tell em not to quit their day jobs

  5. No Scottish people should not rap because of there flow and accent im not saying that UK artists are better but the majority of them are such as, Bashy, Chipmunk, N-dubz, Sway, Wiley, Boy Better Know crew... ect

  6. ive heard of respek ba and he is a sick battle rapper, but to say they are better than any UK artist is a bit much. Listen to wordsmith, klashnekoff' sway, ghetto if that aint good enough check this vid (devlin) dont worry about dogzillas verse

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