
Scottish referees wages

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as you all know the kick off of the SPL may be delayed due to the refs wanting more pay...they have been offered 600 a game but are demanding 800... it is quite a small amount as the EPL get an annual retainer of 33k plus 300 a match

anyway my question do these guys make their living aside from the matches and do you think we will be waiting (again) for our season to kick off or will they pay up?




  1. the difference is, the English refs are full time, ours arent.  

    The Rangers vs St Mirren game at Love St last season was a prime examle - called off about 30-45 minutes prior to kick off, which left hundreds learning about it on the M8 in their cars via the radio.

    The referee in question had to finish his day job then get to the game, only to inspect the pitch and call it off.  Certainly not good enough for a top flight league.

    Ive said all along if the SPL want the league to be taken seriously, they take them on full time.  None of this £600 a game carry on.    works if all your games are on weekends but that is not the case anymore.

  2. first i must say i agree with AM (i`ll need to stop this with tic`s i`m becoming neutral) that its a lot of £ss for the accountabilty they take... i think they should be payed on a sort of  three point system like, pish 3,poor 2 and can do their job well enough 1 voted for by club managers &  players. they can make it like a league and payed in accordance with that rateing relative to the league,It is obvious they waited till just before the season started to bring this up and taking a gun to the head of  the SFA will make for interesting politics .

    as for what they do aside from Reffing i`d say most have white coller jobs,i think the SFA will pay up they have no other way out they canny sack them all if they refuse to attend the game`s, no i think the Reff`s have the ball at their feet sort of speak

  3. I think it's a scandle they are getting so low pay £600 a game is nothing they should be paid a yearly amount and a small top up based on performance and games. They should also though accept it as a full time position. Considering no matter the match they are under so much pressure i think it's fair. What you have to remember is the games for them dont end at the final whistle they are anylised on every detail of there performance and are subject to abuse from fans outside of the stadia.

    I'm afraid it wouldnt be me and they deserve all the cash they get (from legitimate work)

    Remember the fury over Mcurry last year the guy was probobly doing his best (iv'e only calmed down now about it) he still gets h**l for itfrom all quarters Give em the cash they deserve so they can concentrate on there performance  

  4. I think they should be full time like the footballers, go to the training etc and get a similar amount as the footballers get because they are also running about for 90 minutes, I also think they should be semi retired footballers?

  5. With full time refs, people who are serisouly good with a keen eyeball.

    Will consider applying for the ref position.

    So it'll stop these idiots that end up as a Ref who can't see sh*t*

  6. i read it was a £1000 they were looking for but regardless it's a lot of money to give someone who at the end of the day has very little accountabilty. erra is bang on with what he says, should have full time refs.

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