
Scotty Cameron?

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First of all to clear things up. I do OWN a scotty cameron. However, what is so special about it. the only reason i got the cameron is because it was sold half price to me. I really don't think the putter can make a BIG difference. I own studio style newport number 2. Also what is so good about scotty and the new newport with the red dots. Thanks, its really bugging me. This year a new edition of studio style pop up, so i was wondering what is so good about it. However, I really do believe that the scotty cameron is overpriced. and besides, it's not the putter, its the player.. Thanks for your time. Person with most descriptive answer gets 10 points : ) .




  1. If Tiger Woods didn't putt with a Scotty Cameron putter the Scotty Cameron putter line of products would have fallen off the face of the Earth. The average guy wants to play what the pros play with and we foot the bill for the pros.

  2. they are a great great putter , for private golf courses with the budgets . to maintain fast level greens . for the average golfer on municiapal greens . definatly to light to use . very unforgiving putter . it is the person not the putter as you ststed . will it make you a great putter no is it a great putter yes if you play private supereb maintained golf courses , plus in canada you go to a municipal golf course , leave your bag for lunch your putter is history . i could never be bothred considering a new one , tried a used one  . it was okay went back to other putter , made 10 bucks on resale . lots of older putters , better wieghted for muni greens . maybe ego involved . but i am to old to care , plus i carry five wedges  no driver . and use a very strange putter from the late 80s

  3. First of all, the putter is the most important part of your bag because it is the most used club in the bag.  On average, the putter is used at least twice as much as any other club.  That being said, I do agree that a Scotty Cameron is not necessarily the best putter for you.  Alot of people like Camerons because the weighting in the club head is the almost perfect.  Also, the feel is great, especially with the dampener insert.  The cameron series has many options for hozel length and shape, shaft length, and weighting.  Also, the weight is balanced very well.  The only thing wrong with them is the price and sometimes the lack of center-shafted options.  The best option is what feels best for you, not necessarily the best putter out on the market.  I have owned a Newport 2 studio style, but now i switched Taylormade Rossa Centershafted mallot for slower greens.  I was getting upset about not getting the ball to the hole.

  4. You are right, it is the person, however, you do need a somewhat nice putter. You will do just as well with an odyssey as a cameron, but if you had a mini-putt putter, you wouldn't do as well. A milled putter is best, and all camerons are milled

  5. Scotty Cameron putters are somewhat awesome, although they may be a little over rated. The special aspect of the Scotty Cameron is that they are all milled which is where the overpricing comes into play. For example, the odyssey black putters are very similar to the Scotty Cameron NewPort studio styled putters. The only differences are the weight distribution and the style is altered a little bit to avoid trouble with copyright reasons.

    Although you purchased your Scotty Cameron for half price, what really matters is what works right for you in a putter. You should have had it customised to your expectations: right length, right loft, right shaft position to name a few.

    The putter is the most important part of your bag because it is the most used club in the bag. Therefore you should be very careful to what you pick. (not indicating that your choice wasn’t the best one)

    The realistic truth is that Tiger Woods gets paid about 20 million a year to play with the Scotty Cameron putter and if it wasn’t for him, the putter would have been history a long time ago.

    The style of the ‘Scotty Cameron’ type of putters is all realistically ‘copied’ from the range of PING putters (they have only slight modifications to avoid Copyright problems). PING putters to come would revolutionize the putter market with newly found "heel-toe" weighting. In 1959, Karsten Solheim The Founder of PING golf had an inspirational idea of inventing a new style of putter, which is renown for the Anser putter.

    Well that is the Truth about the Scotty Cameron putters.

    Final verdict: Your decision was a good one buying a Scotty Cameron at half price, but if you are not sure if it is right for your style of putting, then I suggest you to go to your local golf club and give your putter a thorough test. Putt on the greens see if your normal putting style compared to green speeds at your golf greens and see if your normal weight behind the ball is little ‘too much’ or ‘too little’ your results should tell you just that. If you are experiencing your putts are going a little too much with your ‘Scotty Cameron’, cut the length maybe an inch (which worked for me).

    Good Luck!


  6. Special putters are the ones that knock the ball in the hole.

    First off - did you have the putters lie adjusted to you? This makes a huge difference in actually putting the ball on the line intended.

    Secondly - is the putter set up for your style of putting. IE: If you forward press, you should have a little offset.

    Its hard to be a great putter if you just get a club from your buddy and hope it works. Have someone VERY knowledgeable about putters fit you and you WILL be a better putter.

    It doesn't matter how much you spend on a putter if it isn't the right one for your stroke.

  7. I too own a Cameron. It's in the shed. The one that's in my bag is the Heavy Putter. But lots of people hate that one.

    To each his own. Putters are perhaps the most highly individualized of clubs. That's why there are so many more putters available than any other club.
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