
Scrabble board game?

by  |  earlier

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Can you give me a quick explanation on how to play it?




  1. The source may help.  It is like creating a crossword puzzle without using clues. The players take turns placing lettered tiles on the spaces on the board.  The tiles (letters) have different values. Some places on the board increase value of the letter or the word that cross them.  After the first word is placed, all new words must interlock with a previous word.

  2. yes.

    This is a word game

    you start playing u have to choose 7 letters

    First Start In The Middle The First Word should be doubled by 2

    Than U Continue Playing it normal.

    When there are icons just read them and then if it is triple letter multiply by 3

  3. You make words 2 to 7 or more letters that connect. You cannot use proper names or capatilized words.

    Scoring is value on tile pluse double letter and triple letters point on board and there are double and triple wordscores as well. If a person makes a 7 letter or more word, 50 points are added to the word score. The person with the highest score wins. The game ends when there are no more letters to choose from or no one can make another word. The remainder of the points are subtracted from the score. The person who goes out first gets the other persons remaining points/

  4. read the rules

  5. Using your tiles, you build a word.  Then the next player builds off one letter of your word, like a crossword puzzle.  You cannot use abbreviations, slang or Proper Nouns (words that have to be capitalized).  Each letter you use is worth a certain number of points (points listed on the tile), you can earn more points by placing letters on doubleword or triple word scored or double letter and triple letter spots.  It is so much fun!  I love scrabble.
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