
Scramble Match Not Original?

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I keep hearing that the Championship Scramble Match is new but in the heyday of the Hardcore Title, I remember a match where the title changed several times but ultimately wound up back on the champion going into the match (Crash Holly comes to mind but I could be wrong). If your memory of this match is similar to mine, would you agree that it was similar to the Scramble match? What would be some differences?




  1. Also, ROH has done a similar kind of match many times in the past.

  2. No that had a 24/7 rule which meant any wrestler could attack them at any time and challenge them. It didn't have a time limit or anything like that.

  3. Basically, nothing but the 20-minute time restriction.

    I loved the Hardcore championship. It was great to see that title change hands right before/after 5 or 6 of Raw's 11 commercial breaks.

  4. WWE did a similar match at WrestleMania 2000 which featured Hardcore Bob Holly pinning Crash Holly to end up the Hardcore Champion, not with Crash retaining as the person who asked this question indicated. While the match was similar in that it had a time limit and the title switched several times throughout there were a few noticeable differences. First of all there were 13 participants and they were Bob Holly, Crash Holly, Tazz, Viscera, Joey Abs, Rodney, Pete Gas, Taka Michinoku, Funaki, Headbanger Thrasher, Headbanger Mosh, Faarooq, and Bradshaw (I hope I didn't miss any as 13 seems like a weird number but that's who is on record as to being in the match). The Championship Scramble matches at Unforgiven only feature 5 participants. The match at WrestleMania 2000 had a 15 minute time limit whereas the matches at Unforgiven have a 20 minute time limit. The final difference in the matches that I can tell is that the stipulation for the Championship Scramble matches at Unforgiven is that two randomly selected participants will start the bout with a new challenger entering the match every five minutes. That did not happen in the match at WrestleMania 2000

  5. The Hardcore Battle Royal at WrestleMania 16 is similar to this year's Scramble Match.

  6. Unforgiven (2000) Test, Perry Saturn, Crash Holly, Al Snow, and Funaki And The Hardcore Champ Steve Blackman

    # Crash pinned Blackman while fighting outside (3:54)

    # Saturn pinned Crash after hitting him with a trashcan lid (4:06)

    # Blackman pinned Saturn (9:01)

    The Match Had A Time Limit Of 10 Minutes    

  7. i remember that mate there was about 10 pplz in the ring and crash holly was the champion i think it changed hands like 5 or 6 times but crash left the champion

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