
Scrap Book helps???

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what do u put in a scrap book for like after u travel, like postcards, Receipts, travel guides, photos, tickets, etc




  1. Whatever you want to remember about the event.  Photos, of course, are a key element, but airline ticket stubs, maps from where you went, etc can be great additional pieces.  Journaling -writing about it- is a very important part of a scrapbook.  Years later you won't remember what was so important or what you felt, but if you write it there you have preserved that memory.  And that is what scrapbooking is really all about.  What to journal: well, you'll want to journal the date, event, people involved, special things that happened.  You can write it in any format you want, some people put down just the basics, but make it more of a story and you will be glad you did years later.

  2. Post cards are good. and writing what it means to you. everytihn you put down is good. You could take photos of souvenirs you bought, restaurant menus, tape a flower you found at the place you went to (make sure to dry and press it first, but that takes  a while). You could also take a coin or paper money currency of the place you went to and stick it in there as well.

    There are a ton of cute stickers that could relate to the country you visited at art stores, and there are lots of papers that can set the mood too. :D hope i helped.

    Oh and if you're thinking of flower pressing, find a bunch of thick an dheavy books, take 2 or more tissues and put the flower inbetween them. Then put it inside a book. stack all the books on top of the book with the flower. It might take a couple of weeks to dry it.
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