
Scrapping battling gangs of 7 and 8 year olds

by  |  earlier

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any ideas how to sort them ?/ they come and play with my kids outside the house...great for an hour..then it disintegrates into a hellish nightmare....leave them alone or invent a child scrap free strategy ????? they are doing my head in !!!! and 4 weeks to go """"




  1. remote controlled electric dog collars!

  2. the kids are getting bored with summer.. i would suggest going to the dollar store and picking up a bunch of water balloons and chalk and water guns and let them at it

    lots of luck

  3. How about one of those water pistols/blasters for you to use on them when they get out of hand? Or the promise of a 'treat' of some kind towards the end of the holidays - a water fight? I much prefer the electric stun collar idea tho!

    Good luck

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