
Screaming 1yr old help!!!!?

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My daughter will be 1yr old on Thursday and in the last 2 or so weeks she screams constantly, I presume its because she enjoys to hear the sound of her voice echo and what not. How can I reinforce that screaming is not an acceptable form of communication to a 1yr old? Is it just a phase? If so when will it go away, i live in an apartment and am afraid my neighbors will complain.




  1. It is a phase. With my grand daughter I tried yelling louder to show her that it was annoying that really only gave me a very big head ache. Oh yeah we l live in the middle of no where. This idea worked much better try whispering then she has to pay attention play a game of who can talk the quietest. You may have to loose some times to really win.Good luck.

  2. my daughter is 17 months and she also does this, i think she does it to hear herself, but now when she is hungry she goes in the kitchen and screams,i think it is just a stage and there isn't alot you can do with a one year old , when my daughter  does it i look at her and say NO! thats bad don't do that, she has been getting better, hopefully they will be out of this soon, or we  might have to get earplugs :)

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