
Screaming "You're marrying the wrong woman!" at the wedding?

by Guest67166  |  earlier

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Friend was at a wedding of someone he worked with and didn't know the family well. It was a nice church wedding. In the middle of it all, the father of the groom -- who was not in the wedding for whatever reason -- was fighting with his ex during the ceremony. I think you can see this coming.

He stands up, is red in his face and screams to his son, "You're marrying the wrong woman! You dumb SH*T that girl next to you is just like your mother!!!"

He then promised him ten thousand dollars to walk out of the wedding with him. He didn't and the wedding continued in a few very disturbed minutes after the father walked out.

How would you handle this situation?




  1. First, it sounds as if the wedding went on as if the unfortunate outburst never happened...which was the proper way to handle it at that moment.

    Secondly....there's nothing legally that can be done, believe me if there was was I'd encourage the young couple to do just

    The son should tell his father that 1) that kind of behavior was outrageously inappropriate and until he apologises to his wife the MOG, himself & his bride, the officiate and the entire assembly of wedding guests, that he better not call or make any further contact......

    Sounds like the MOG was getting the better of the arguement and the father took it out on his son, his son's bride, and the wedding...absolutely NO EXCUSE for that kind of behavior...shame, shame, shame on the man.....and I hope his family, not the MOG's family, reams him a few new ones.............

  2. If this actually happened, then that's really sad.

    Poor girl.  Boy guy.  They are better off without the dad in their lives anyway.  But, this sounds like a variation of a very common wedding urban legend so unless you were actually there, I don't believe it.

  3. I would have laughed and continued the ceremony... or maybe I would have taken the ten grand?  Hmm...

  4. I think that the bride and groom should ax the groom's father out of their lives.  Imagine what will happen when she has children?

  5. If it was my wedding, I would laugh and ask the pastor to continue with the cermony. After the wedding, prolly like a month later, I would definitely stop by the father's house to give him a piece of my mind. Other than that, I would try to pretend it never happened and have the videographer edit that little section out.

  6. I really don't know how I would handle this situation.

    As the groom I would be absolutely mortified. As the bride I think I might break down in to tears...

    I think that is horrible. I truly hope that both of them were able to put that behind them and enjoy their day.

  7. Wow, i wouldn't talk to my dad ever again. That is horrible.

  8. My mouth would be on my lap.  And stay there.

  9. Did nothing....he was being out of line and it sounds like if anyone would have approached this a** he would have started a fight with them.

  10. Wow... thats horrible... i wouldn't be able to talk to him for a very long time... if ever.

    If he felt that strongly he should have said something before the wedding and if he did say something sooner they obviously didn't care for his opinion so he shouldn't have been there at all!

  11. I would simply be stunned, and try to make myself think of how I should handle this situation. Why ? Because this situation is simply too emotional and too shocking to handle.

  12. Well, people do tend to marry people that resemble(remind them) their opposite-s*x-parent...

    What else could he do, but chose, and stick with his choice....

  13. It depends.  Who am I in this situation?  The Groom?  The Bride?  The dad? The ex-wife???

    If the Groom - would have continued Wedding.

    If the Bride, I would have smiled because - I win!

    The dad ... would have talked to him before the wedding.

    The ex-wife, taken out my Glock.

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