
Screen flickering after overclock.?

by  |  earlier

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I just installed an AMD black 5000+. I wanted to overclock it, so to start out i put the multiplier up to 15 (default 13) and put the voltage up to 1.400 (default 1.350). But now its starting to make the screen flicker a bit. It doesnt do it much at first, but if i start doing like prime95 (which comes up with no errors after 5-10 mins) or the threat torture test, it flickers like crazy. It didn't do any of this with the multiplier at 13, and it shouldn't be gettin too hot. Any ideas why this is happenin?




  1. they are not designed to be overclocked

  2. cuz AMD CPUs (i have the exact same cpu on my server pc) is very hot especially ur model and the fact that you bump up the voltage raises heat and power consumption. I'm guessing that you have 3 or 4 sticks of ram and that increases northbridge stress.

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