
s***w d optician i dont need glasses or do I??

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i went 2 d optician yesterday and she says i hv myopia and its getting worse but i can c clearly,but wen i cover my left eye its kinda blurry.ive always had 20/20 vision so wats going i need to go buy some glasses????




  1. your vision is usually blurry for a while after covering one eye, If its continuously blurry then maybe you might need glasses but if you can see fine i wouldn't worry about it. google eye exercises ive been told you can strengthen your eye sight by them.

  2. You are probably myopic just in that one eye and your other eye compensates to give you 20/20 with both eyes open.  I give prescriptions to my patients namely when they are symptomatic (getting headaches, blur, failed driving test, etc) so if you are seeing 20/20 with both eyes open and have no complaints, hold off on the glasses for now.  Get regular annual checkups to see if anything changes year-to-year.  Best of Luck!

  3. What's your prescription?  If one eye is much worse than the other then you have dominance, and you brain just discounts the info in the other eye.  I have this, so I know.  For me, I use cheap +1 glasses from the pharmacy because correct glasses give me a headache by stimulating the bad eye too much.  I only need them for reading anyway.

    Other cheap options for glasses are online where you get a better selection, but try different types of frames on in an optical store so you know what they look like on you 1st.

    You may want to see an opthamologist if your eyes are getting suddenly worse, it may be a sign of bad things on the way.

    Also get tested for diabetes or other things that affect eyes (like high blood pressure) by your doc.  If none of these is it, then take a paperback off the shelf at the pharmacy and find some glasses that help you read at 3/4 arm's length.  

    Most people don't have 20/20, so it's not that big a deal unless you need it for work.

  4. It depends on what you think is clear and what you can tolerate. It is not uncommon to have correction necessary in one eye only. You may enjoy the clarity you have with both eyes, rather than seeing mostly clear through the better eye. If you feel you are seeing comfortably when both eyes are open, don't compare the 2, then you can probably forget the glasses. However, I don't know what the doctor prescribed for the left eye, so I can't really say for sure if it would really benefit you or not.

  5. An optician is not a real eye Dr. Go to an opthalmologist if you want a real eye exam. An optician is only trained in making eyeglasses. Don't take chances with your eyes.

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