
s***w the ecosystem! Which living thing would you step on when it was first created so that it never exist?

by  |  earlier

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Perhaps, I should have been more clear..what species or sub-species. Think of the ancient butterfly that was stepped on in that Bradbury story.




  1. CHUCK NORRIS!!! gah he gets on my nerves

  2. The Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes would be pretty high on my stomp list, despite possible unforseen consequences.

    The Law of Unintended Consequences is something we all have to live with, but sometimes you just have to look at the available evidence and decide to take the risk. So far, there haven't been many countries that have eliminated malaria and then gone on to regret having done so.

  3. mosquito !!!!

  4. you.

  5. The mosquito, such a deadly creature.

    I can't believe how selfish some of the other answerers are! Killing an entire species just because they are scared of them!

  6. Fleas!

  7. spider

  8. With an attitude like that you are only showing your ignorance and lack of intelligence.

      The "ecosystem" is the most important single thing on earth.  Far more important than mans existence, even though he is part of it too.  If man will just leave nature alone, and live "with it" rather than against it, this world would survive.  But, I'm afraid not, because all man cares about is himself, and his willingness to breed like mice with no consideration as to what his overpopulation is doing to our planet, its wildlife, and its natural resources.  We ARE going to breed ourselves out of existence.

  9. Anything that calls it self 'arachnid.' Those ugly little things with their eight legs & billions of little eyes FREAK ME OUT to the greatest extent. Just thinking about them makes me itch. O.O

  10. id step on a snake. i hate them so much...

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