
Scrum half advices?

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I'm 15, and I started to play rugby 2 years ago (I live in Portugal...). In the the last 3 matches than I played, the coach made me play as the scrum-half, but I just know the basics of a scrum-half, and I have big difficulties related to the scrum passing and how to pressure the other scrum half. Can you give me some advices, and what should I do to improve my scrum half skills ?




  1. the scrum half is probably the most important player on the field because he controls the rucks, if they spin it or pick and jam. i would advise you to have strong communication with your fly half and try not to run the ball too much.

  2. Just practice passing with you`re fly half as much as u can!! and whenever you`re on you`re own just keep passing! And as pressuring the other scrum half goes... just keep hassling him so what if its entirely legal and try to whind him up away from the ref so he will get annoyed and if he doesn't react he'll get annoyed and end up playing a bad game you can`t get sent off for it, well i never have and i do it every match i play and the worst that has happend is the other team got a penalty but nothing more! As a scrum half try to be more physical than the other scrum half, go into the occasional maul and ruck!! And also practice running with the ball and breaking the tackle so the defense those not know what to expect! But the main thing as a scrum half is be confident in the position if you don't know what you are doing pretend you do anyway! that's it really. good luck!
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