
Scungies can guys wear them?

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Scungies can guys wear them?




  1. No.

  2. Although I would advise agianst it, If you really want to.

    go ahead, but be prepared for some funny looks, and if you are going for a job interview leave it off.

  3. I guess so! It might look wierd though!

  4. yea if you want to look really stupid and whats this got to do with homeschooling

  5. No..women shouldn't even wear those things. They are ugly!

  6. do you mean scrunchies?  The items you use to put up your hair?  I suppose a guy could use them, but I would make sure I went with the plain black ones that don't have any frill to them.

  7. Yes, if they really want to.

    PS Scungies are scungies...*S-C-U-N-G-I-E-S*, LOL!

    They are not scrunchies and while there is no reason why you can't wear your scungies on your head, you should probably be prepared for some funny looks if you do! You might find donning a pair of scungies on your head obstruct your vision as well!

    Oh and I wouldn't suggest you try it the other way round: wearing your scrunchies in place of your scungies either! Eugh!

    PS Am I the only person here who even knows what SCUNGIES are? Clue: they are NOT SCRUNCHIES; you DO NOT WEAR THEM on your head or IN YOUR HAIR! LOL!

  8. Scungies look great!

  9. guys with hair long enough for scrunchies look rediculous. I'm sorry, but long hair on a man is just a turn off. It always manages to look dirty and unkept

  10. yes, but only if you can carry off the look.  oh, and be prepared for any reaction!

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