
Sea Bear Vs. Great White Shark. Who wins?

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So some friends and I have been having this debate for about a month or so and we have been pretty evenly split down the middle. It goes in a fight between a great white shark, and a sea bear (sea bear being a mythical animal about 20 feet long with the agility of a dolphin in the water but it is a sea bear, think like a swimming polar bear type deal. they can hold their breath a long time too just imagine it) which animal would come out victorious. Also the habitat is the same since they are both sea animals.




  1. Sea Bear swipes at Shark with Hand.

    Shark chomps up Bear hand.

    Shark chomps up Bear.

    The End.

  2. the sea bear sounds incredibly bulky and clumsy....but with very strong pair of hands...

    ...i guess once it grasp the shark...the shark is at its mercy...biting the shark like we eat chicken drumstick...

  3. I personally think that the great white shark is going to win because it is the most dangerous creature known to man kind. I have never heard of the sea bear but it looks fierce.The shark can swim deeper than the sea bear because the sea bear still needs air from the surface

  4. The sea bear sounds incredible.

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