
Sea Cadets for my son?

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My son is 12 and I am thinking about enrolling him into the Sea Cadets. He is a very shy boy, but has a big interest in the armed forces. I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this would be a good thing to do or not. I want to sign him up because he is shy and because I do not want him to be a follower for the rest of his life.

Any advice?





  1. Good program. It's been a while but most definitely will help him overcome his shyness. Kind of like the Boy Scouts with a military flavor.

    Good luck to both of you.

  2. Hello, I am 13 years old boy and go to air cadets.

    I joined air cadets when I was 12, it has given me some great opportunities and has given me an amazing confidence boost. I was also very shy until I joined, my parents got me to join up also. I had a great interest in the armed forces before I joined, I still do now. You are definitely doing the right thing by getting your son to join he will thank you for it when he is older looking for a job. By joining your son will learn discipline and responsibilities, he will have to iron his own uniform and polish his own shoes. Your son will lose his shyness and gain confidence as soon as he joins. Even though I have not gone to sea cadets I have visited them for a week as part of a trip, they are very similar to air cadets, but obviously they focus on boats and ships not aviation.

    Please do not have your son go to army cadets. I say this because they are not well behaved and are not disciplined. This is certainly not the case for the sea cadets and air cadets.

    Please continue your efforts for your son.

    CDT Williams.

    493 Squadron air cadets.

  3. I think the Sea Cadets is a awesome program for kids. I was a Sea Cadet during the early 90's for 4 years and i loved it!

    He will have an awesome time, great job Mom!

  4. Well have you asked your son? Make sure he wants to do it and if he does then go for it.

  5. You said " I do not want him to be a follower for the rest of his life"

    If he signs up for any arm forces - that is going to happen. They want someone who will follow

  6. Yeah! I used to be the same way when I was young until I was enrolled into Boy Scouts. I think this or any type of sports will mold him into a good leader.

  7. i'd hate that

  8. Do it, its amazing.

    And sign him up quickly.  

  9. Sea Cadets can make a positive impression on your son if that is something that he wants to do.  If you are going to make him join then he will always look at it the negative way.  Maybe call the local branch and find out if he can come and watch for a day or meet some of the other kids who are involved in it.  You child may never overcome his shyness that is the way that some people are.  But with the Cadets they do make a difference in the lives of the youth and give them a chance to go far in what they choose to do.  

  10. I think anything that would help your son become a leader is a great idea.

  11. I don't know much about Sea Cadets, I was in Civil Air Patrol.

    I loved it and it teaches you leadership, Physical Fitness. They get Orientation Flights on Aircraft. If you get high enough in rank (Spatz) then they get scholarships and what not. Also looks great on College Applications. Many of my friends that were in C.A.P. are now in the Armed Services.

    They do have Senior Members (Parents and other adults who pass background checks) watch and take care of the younger ones.

    I think any program of this type runs around the same lines and is great for pre-teens to teens.  
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