
Sea Horses???? Need info from experts?

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how hard are they to take care of...what is the minimum size tank for TWO of them...i am on a minimum budget




  1. I urge you to read these articles on Seahorses by a marine professional. It's very sad. Sea Horses are not meant for captivity in part because they mate for life and are likely to be separated when harvested for the pet trade (and they are difficult; most dying in captivity within a few months):

    Many species are being wiped out and and several are very close to extinction in part because of the pet trade.


    I think they are wonderful and I've always been fascinated by them but it's more important to ensure they continue to exist.

  2. Well it is kinda tough to find those really little bales of alfalfa. Then the iddybitty tack you use. Then you have to learn to hold your breath really really long to be able to ride them.


    Sorry couldn't resist.

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