
Sea Ice May Be on Increase in the Antarctic: A Phenomenon Due to a Lot of 'Hot Air'?

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Sea ice is on the increase. Are we being lied to. Greenhouse gases seem alot of hot air to me. just a reason to be taxed and taxed so our goverment ends up richer while we have to survive on next to nothing.

What do you think?




  1. Sometimes we are being lied to, sometimes we are not.  

    While this will not end the global warming thing, it should be enough to make a good scientist adjust the model they are using.  


    The melting of the ice that is already floating will not raise sea levels.

  2. The ice hugging left probably hates it whenever there are cooling periods that tend to undercut their shrill cry that we have to act now or we are doomed.

  3. Of course the present bankrupt British government is very pleased to take up the Global Warming scam. Brown was very pleased that he could now, with impunity, load taxation on the public in the name of countering Global Warming.

    There is no such thing as environmental tax, tax is tax and nothing else, and due to the phenomenal amount of our money being given to Brussels to squander it is no wonder that even with taxation at record levels the Labour party is still bankrupt as a government. The only way to reduce tax is first to leave the expensive politicians talking shop and dictatorial EU, to have our troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan and use our tax fro the British people. It will never happen as no doubt B'liar has already thrown his coat into the Brussels presidential ring.

  4. We are all to interested in listening to doom mongers who are at colleges and research stations who have a vested interest in keeping their crazy ideas at the top of the agenda. They select what they want and discard what they want such as centuries of climate change to justify  their grants, all in all it must be grand for them to have stayed in the education system all their lives ,, its called never having left school

  5. Yes, precipitation is always in the form of snow there, so warmer air creating more evaporation will cause increased snow and ice formation in *some* areas. Most armchair skeptics don't understand this at all and will cite increased ice as evidence for cooling. Some parts of the continent are increasing, some decreasing. Only idiots still believe it's cooling (or try their best to pretend to believe it anyways).

  6. that's a 2005 article.

    here are some more up to date ones;

  7. You cannot stop Mother Nature.

    We have had Ice ages and warming's and will continue to do so regardless of what  Gore says.

  8. "Greenhouse gases seem a lot of hot air to me."

    This is truer than you might realize.  A person breathes about 35 pounds of air a day and converts 5% of that into CO2.

    6 billion people X 35 lbs = 3,000,000 tons per day

    5% of that is 150,000 tons of CO2 per DAY!!!!

    Maybe if we just all shut up about global warming the problem would go away.......double meaning intended

  9. The truth of the matter is, regardless of what the media says, global warming is a THEORY, only. Some evidence certainly supports it, while some seems to contradict it. (Read "State Of Fear" by Michael Crichton for more on the subject)

  10. The permanent ice at the North pole is getting thinner and soon it will be open sea.  The ice sheet in Northern Canada is retreating every year and polar bears are unable to get out onto the ice to hunt - so they are invading human settlements.  Asking NASA if there's global warming is a bit like asking the barber if you need a haircut.

    78% of all tax collected last year went to the National Health Service.  People are still dying because there aren't enough funds to pay for operations or clean wards.  The Health Service can't afford the staff it needs, so it hires agency staff from crooked agencies who make out their candidates are self-employed so they can pay less than the minimum wage.  The measures brought in to deal with the 10% income tax fiasco means there's going to be £6 billion short this year - and guess where it's coming from.

    So if you want to pollute the planet, pay your taxes and stop whinging.

  11. well I believe it... their are those who speculate just the opposite of what mass media tells us... that we're going to warm up and the ice will all melt rising the sea level... the other theory is that we are going into an ice age... considering your new found evidence, it seems plausible!

  12. The earth is a uniquely designed system...for every action there is either a positive or negative which increases the affect of a change or counteracts it. It sounds like were being fed a load of bull but its at the opposite end of the globe to Antartica, where the discrepancies in Ozone levels are apparent. It therefore does not cause me to question the truth in the problem of Greenhouse gases...but to hope that the good old Mother Earth  has a way of combatting some of the problems we have created for the future...

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