
Sea sickness?

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My boyfriend wants a boat VERY badly. The only issue is that he gets seasick. Is there anyway he can overcome this? Does it get better with time? Thanks!




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  2. I've been on the ocean most of my life and I work on pro coral trout fishing boats here in australia, most new guys that start out with us usually get sick. The best thing to do is to stay out in the fresh air and don't slump down looking at the floor or whatever concentrate on standing up and looking out at the horizon. Also ginger can help, and you'll probly find you'll feel better if you eat something, I know when I got sick when I was a kid, dry biscuits really helped me. If your a passenger and the boat is underway, down the back is the best place to be as it doesn't experience as much rise and fall as the bow does. And if your in a smaller boat and it's a 2 stroke, nothing will make you feel sick faster then the exaust smoke off a 2 stroke at sea. But basically stay out of the cabin in the fresh air and don't let it beat you, it'll get better.

  3. Can only speak from experience.  12 years Active Duty Navy and years at sea.  If you get sea sick , you will prob always get sea sick-but only until your body adjusts to being at sea (12-36 hours).

      Sea sickness is a form of Vertigo. It helps if the "victim" can see the horizon, being inside adds to the problem.

      Taking meds ahead of time helps prevent violent sickness, but causes mild vertigo by themselves.

      To help prevent seasickness drink lots of water and get plenty of rest ahead of time.

  4. He will learn how to over come it. Take pills in the mean time

  5. Buy some sea sickness pills from the chemist

  6. Have him join the Navy or just spend two weeks at sea. He will be green for a while but in time he will be ok.  I was fishing with a guy on the ocean he was throwing up. I asked him if he wanted a nice big bowl of warm mayonaise, that didn't work.

  7. make sure he keeps his head over the side at all times
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