
Sea sickness when surfing!

by Guest63938  |  earlier

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every time I go out to surf I start feeling sick to my stomach after about 2 hours the smell of the ocean and the rubber smell from the wetsuit just sucks. is there any way I can prevent this so i can keep on shredding? thanks p.s does anyone else get this?




  1. yeah mate i get this...when i hav a big nyt n go surfin or when the swell is big i just wana catch every wave i c then i start feedin the fish ie spewin up lol.. just dont try to catch every wave u c just rember there's more waves to come and drink water b4 u go in..if u spit heaps in the water thats y ur feelin sick ay ur getin dehighdreated coz ov the salt water....and the wetsuit thing mate give it a hose down once and a gain ay and hang it on the clothes line air that S**t  right out ay

  2. you could air it out (hang it outside) but like mentioned try washing it a couple times not a lot that it startes wearing but just enough to get the smell away you could even try febreeze?? thats a wierd smell to but its better than rubber

  3. you can smell the ocean after 2 hours? wow.

  4. Just take a break every once and a while.

    the surfboard man

  5. when you go out to surf and you feel sick you should just paddle back into shore and take a quick 10 min. break to let your stomach settle down and i have been surfing a lot so the rubber smell kinda went away after me using it and washing it so many times. maybe you should just use it a lot and the smell will go away. hope this helps. have fun surfing!

  6. While it may be motion sickness, I have never heard of anyone being that sensitive to get it while surfing and I have spent over 40 years surfing etc.. It might also be a bit of dehydration. Take a paddle in and drink some water or Gator Ade and then head back out. If it is really motion related, Dramamine is probably a good idea. Now, as far as the smell of the wetsuit, you have to get pretty funky to get sick from the smell of your wetsuit. Read the question from a couple of days ago about wet suit care. And, good luck with that problem.

  7. Wow, you can smell your wetsuit while surfing?  I can pretty much only smell salt water and my surf wax.  Now when I take my booties off??  That's a whole 'nother story and yes that could make me sick.

    I think John is probably right, you are probably getting dehydrated.  I always drink a bottle of water before I go out and if I'm going to be doing a long session try to keep another bottle on the beach.  Eating a banana before you go out is another good move.

  8. 1. Don't ever say "keep on shredding", it makes you sound like a kook and you probably are. (but that's ok because one day you probably won't be)

    2. On a less hostile note, I agree with what the guy before me said about taking a break when you get nauseous. Also, after a month or so of wearing and washing your wetsuit the smell of the new neoprene will fade. I'm suprised you can even smell it while you're in the water in the first place. Anyways, good luck with learning how to surf and with your stomach issues.

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