
Seadoo 430 hp 230 wake?

by Guest67182  |  earlier

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I just bought the above wakeboarding boat. I have relatively no experience in boating. The 430 hp engine has gotten alot of hype, but so far the top speed I have achieved is 40mph. There does seem to be anything wrong with the intake. The boat has less than ten hours on it so I can't imagine there is a mechanical problem. There is a perfect pass system on it that controls your speed for optimal wakeboarding, but I haven't programmed anything in it yet.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Oh yeah, It also seems that the left engine runs at much higher rpms than the right...7200 vs 3000.

Thanks ahead for any help




  1. Under 10 hours and running that high sounds like a definite problem.  Most engines have a break in period where you do not want to run them very hard at all until it has had time for all the seals to seat, etc.  During this time you typically do not want to over stress the motor.  I believe my MasterCraft was in the 20 hour range.  I would return it to your dealer and have it checked out.  Doesn't sound right at all, and yes it could have a mechanical problem with very low hours.  

    On another note, how was the wake behind that type of boat.  None of the pictures on the sites really gave a good picture of the wake.

    Good luck.

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