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okay, will it make u a little tipsy if u drank a 6 pack of it if it was your first time? & is it really an "alcoholic" beverage?




  1. I'm a slim guy, one of these will easily make me tipsy, a "4-pack" (the company packages them in 4-packs) will easily get me drunk.  Yes they are an alcoholic drink and can get people with low alcohol tolerance levels drunk easily.

  2. Seagrams makes a lot of different kinds of alcoholic beverages.  They make gin and whiskey and I'm not sure what else.  I'm guessing you're talking about the wine coolers?  Yeah, a 6-pack would probably make you tipsy.  And it would make you have to pee.

  3. if it were your first time drinking alcohol yes you should probably be drunk of a 6 pack. you can get buzzed and/or tipsy or drunk even if you have had alcohol before. it just would depend on how long it took to drink them if you have eaten anything your height weight and all those things go into it as well. but yes they can do that.
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