
Seal Cull Canada?

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Last time I posted a question about this I was kicked off.

Why do the Canadian people allow the barbaric cull of pups a few days old. Have Canadians no morals. Are they a country of animal haters. How is it the pelts are sold out of Canada and not used in their country? It is not that the meat is eaten there is none. I have to say again it is a disgrace and the Canadian people behave as lower forms than any animal to let it continue.




  1. Yup.

  2. Very simple answer. The Americans buy them up faster then Canadians  can kill them, because there is OIL under the pelts.   While you are on the subject of killing animals, could you please find out why The Americans are the only one left in the world to go into Canada and  hunt and kill POLAR BEARS. Very few left and all they want is the trophy. Canadians kill Seals  and Americans kill people.

  3. Canadians kills seals... Americans kill people.   I like that!

    Despite what the know-nothings at PETA, etc like to spoon-feed the weak minded, the seal hunt is not barbaric.  A 2002 report in the Canadian Veterinary Journal showed that clubbing seals is an efficient and humane way to kill them (  The Royal Commission on Seals and Sealing in Canada also found that the methods used to kill seals is just as, or even more humane than the methods used to slaughter cattle, pigs and chickens in commercial abbatoirs.  My question to you is, why is it barbaric to kill seals, but not cattle, even if the methods used to kill cattle is less humane?

    Finally, it's been illegal to kill pups "a few days old" for about 20 years now.  Not that that has stopped the animal rights groups from using the image of a baby seal to manipulate the feeble-minded.
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