
Search Engine Optimization news articals?

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How do I get our news articals from our website on the Google search list?




  1. I use a strategy of using software to spin 1 article into many and auto submit to top article sites, then auto submit to 20 top bookmarking sites. Ofcourse, have your link in resource box.

  2. If your wanting to get the articles to show up in the search engines then you need to get links from your site as well as from outside sites to the articles.

    If I had an article about cars I might join a forum that allows signature tags and link the post I make to my articles or submit them to directories.

  3. There is a good article on using articles to promote your website at

  4. by submitting your site article in article submission related websites.then

    google taking in searching article related good site is

  5. I like the joining Google News idea, though I'm not sure how difficult that will be to accomplish.  Completing the application was easy enough but now I'm waiting for approval.

    Also getting backlinks from Web 2.O social networking & social bookmarking sites is sure to help increase ones exposure across the web period. Will it help get the news into Google news?  Not sure, but here are 5 relatively unknown Web 2.0 sites I would recommend using.

    1. (Social Bookmarking)

    2. (Social Network)

    3. (Social Bookmarking)

    4. (Social Network)

    5. (Social Bookmarking)

    If you would like even more suggestions on Web 2.0 options please E-mail me at

    Further, using article directories to position you place on the web is an excellent idea.  However, while doing so don't forget about their counterparts which are video directories like  Of course, the best article directory is the one that everyone talks about which is

    Here are 5 other article directories to consider using to publish your material to the web.






    For even more ideas of where to promoate your articles or ideas as to places to put your video's just E-mail with your request.  One of the key things to remember about the submission process is that it can take some time to get published.  Just keep publishing more content and it will eventually start coming back to you.

    Here's another idea that no one has yet mentioned.  That is using blogging and website design in unision for a given niche.  Basically you tie the two together and work consistently at building both, as one grows so grows the other as well.

    If you would like to know how you can use my own created concept of viral video websites together with this idea just E-mail me at  I'll explain the silo technique and how it helps you get recongnized even more on the Internet.

    Of course, this concept of tieing different web elements together as one doesn't stop with blogs and/or viral video websites.  The following article explains how you can use the new ME domains together with forums and move this concept forward even more.

    ===> http://search-engine-optimization-and-be...

    PS: I would have provided links for all the suggestions above, but to my knowlege this service only allows 5 URL's per answer.  Therefore, that leaves it up to you to copy/paste and use the information accordingly.  To receive even more answers to your questions visit the SEO & Beyond forum where we make Internet Marketing make sense.

    ===> http://search-engine-optimization-and-be...

  6. If these are NEWS articles, the best placement is Google News.

    But for your news to be included in Google News, your site has to be first approved to become a content provider. Submit your site to Google News for their review using this form:

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