
Search Enginge Help...?

by  |  earlier

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Im starting a website from scratch and have been doing tons of research about SEO and how to design the site and ways to get you high on the engines. My question is even in the early stages of designing, should I publish the site and put out sitemaps and update them as I publish more content, or wait to the site is done before doing it? Is there any benefit or downfall for it?




  1. You should publish the site when it is ready for users.

    Search engines do not rank sites under construction very well. However they do like sites that are regularly updated.

    If it is ready for users then it is ready for the search engines.

  2. Hello Eric...You are going about everything exactly as I did a few months ago. There is just so much "stuff" out there. If you do nothing else, study Wordtracker, and study it somemore!

    Go to one of my Websites and Click on the Marketing Your Website Link. Follow this and you will be successful. BUT, you have to be patient and give it some time. Good luck!

  3. Publish a complete working website only.  Under construction websites are not welcomed by search engines.

    Good luck!

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