
Search Middlebury Community Network and read editorial about global warming.?

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This article was interesting. I posted this last night, but did not get a very good response because of the late hour. If you're interested in the Science please read this and tell me what you think. I think the group makes a pretty convincing case. Truth or propaganda?




  1. Propaganda.

    It's a bunch of complete nonsense.  Tired and discredited "scientific" arguments of a few "skeptics".  I'll take on a few.

    Solar radiation is increasing.  Just flat wrong about the data.  Proof:

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    "CO2 follows temperature."  This one is cool because it's actually proof this warming is not natural.  In the past CO2 DID lag temperature by hundreds of years.  The Sun caused warming, and hundreds of years later CO2 was released from warming ocean waters.  

    This time THERE IS NO LAG.  CO2 and temperature are going up together, because CO2 is causing the warming.

    CO2 can be BOTH a cause and an effect.  Simple basic science, which this guy doesn't understand.

    Put it together and he says: "Sloppy "scientists" see the warming, and the CO2, but overlook the changes in the sun, don't see the fine differences in timing...

    Scientists do, as noted above, see both clearly and understand what's going on.  He's the "sloppy" guy who doesn't.

    That's enough.  The rest is more of the same.  Much of it refuted here:

    Just nonsense from a newspaper guy who's a denier.  The term fits here.

  2. I thought that the article was excellent.  Be prepared for the 'Man-did-it' global warming club to trash its' credibility...... it's what they do when faced with ANYTHING that suggests they have been mis-led.

    Thanks for the reference!

  3. A thoroughly researched article written by a genuine Atmospheric Physicist instead of the usual wonk science wannabe like Bob who cherry-picks the data to reach a predetermined conclusion.  I checked the physics, chemistry, and math and they are not only correct, they are actually on the conservative side.  Seems like he's also listed as one of the "Prominent Scientists" on the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works summary review.

    First article I've read that has been condensed for the layman to understandable terms.  I can't believe he took the time to carefully reduce the information to a point that regular folks could understand.  It must have taken days to distill all that for the general public.  If you still believe that global warming is man-made after reading this, then you probably need to go back and finish high school.  Check out his bio - looks like his I.Q. is twice that of "Bob".  Highly Recommended, a must read for everyone except the brain-dead Al Gore worshippers.

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