
Search for People Online?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know of any 'FREE' websites where you can search for people like ex. lost friend or relative

i really need some help because all the wesite i've found so far want you to pay

but a guess if you really wanna find someone you'll pay for it

anyways if anyone knows of any kind of websites like that

i'd be mighty greatful





  1. Hi, try the 'missingyou' website. You can ask for info on old school friends, partners, adopted children as well as missing people and it's totally free!. Hope this helps x

  2. I too, tried to find people without having to pay a fee.

    Very frustrating.....

    You might run across the information you are looking for free, but you will waste a lot of precious time searching.

    There is a reason why everyone's contact info isn't readily available online for free.

    I found a great source to educate myself on finding people by searching public records.

    Hope it helps!

  3.   these other sites work too if your good with searches :   Good Luck

  4. yes you have to pay for it.  I would google search first, you may find people that way.  If you are looking for just couple individuals, I can look it up from you, I have a NetDetective log on, just need their name and the State they live in (or what States you think they live in)  Feel free to email me that info and I will see what I can find for you :O)

  5. Yea, all of them are going to request for payment if you really want to find someone. sorry. Tried it allready.

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