
Searching for a early 19th century story/book, that i read in high school...?

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Its a Satirical book, and basically the plot is that of Gilligan's isle, just with magic.. I don't have the greatest memory of the book, it was written in old English. I remember the start of the story starts off with a king(or some other noble)/his daughter, and various other important people on a boat leaving a wedding heading back to Britain or England(the daughter may or may not have been on the boat, she may have been the one getting married), or something . When a Magician who had been previously exiled from society, summoned a fairy to sink the ship(the fairy was his slave). On the shores they find a beast(also a slave of the Magician). The magician had a daughter, who he keep locked in her room.

I didn't really finish the book, so i can't give anymore details, but I'm looking for a particular quote about utopia that was in that story.

I say story because at or around that time i had to read The Canterbury Tales, and it might have been one of the tales from that book.




  1. Could  it have been Shakespeare?  It sounds a lot like  the plot line of The Tempest.  There are many famous quotes from Shakespeare.  Do you know that you can google quotations and find out  what the entire quote is and where they came from?

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