
Searching for woman who gave birth to girl 4/29/1983 at Baptist Hospital in Little Rock, AR.?

by  |  earlier

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Birthmom was 16 at time of birth. I am interested in any information. Serious responses only- AND NO RUDE REMARKS! I would appreciate any leads.




  1. You should write into newspapers and even contact your local newsstations and let them know of your search !  It would be a great warming story for them let them look like they r doing good which they would be and also help you to find what ur lookin for !  And which ever newstation would turn down the opurtunity would look like a bad guy compared to the one's that took up the offer ... so some one would!

  2. He's been fooling around again, eh Hillary?

  3. You should shout this out through newspapers and reports....good luck

  4. Have you post it on Craigslist?

    Good luck.

  5. I think you would have more a chance of finding her if you looked through adoptions agencies and other "missing" people sites. There are alot of sources you can use to find people.

    I just think it's unlikely you'd have the luck that at this moment your birthmom is in yahoo answers.

    Perhaps a better question to post here would be, "What resources could I used to find my birthmom?" or something to that affect.

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