Someone is selling this bike and asking $20. The tires have serious dry rot but still hold air. The chain is rusty but flexable, and there is some rusting on wheels, handlebars etc.. Don't know age, I think 70's. It's dark brown with orange and yellow stripe detail, "free spirit" is written across top bar, and "26" is written on seat tube. Sears emblem with 05-78 at bottom of seat tube, and 02 47268T13654527 engraved into headtube. Is it worth investing in new seat and post, plus possibly new tires in near future, or should I pass on this? The post is very thin - 2.5cm. What will seat and post cost ? If owner finds seat is it worth taking given tires and rust? He claims the bike is worth $100 - $200 as is. I'm 67 and just plan to ride locally around town, no more than a few miles at a time. (I'd really like to hear from "mirageguitarworks" - others also welcome to respond). Thanks!