
Sears lawn mower won't keep battery charged?

by Guest63142  |  earlier

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I thought it was the battery so I bought a new one. Now new battery is dead. Can anyone tell me what might be the problem?




  1. Something is draining the battery,it sounds like a short somewhere,be sure the alt belt is tight also.Call a small engine repair shop and explain this to a tech,he may have the best answer to this.

  2. Are you leaving the key in the machine? Sometimes people do that and forget to turn the unit completely off. Another question, does the fresh battery start the mower quickly? If so look to your alternator.

  3. Assuming the replacement battery was good when you bought it (you had it tested, right?) the only other expl is that an improper ground is shorting out the electrical system. Look for a tiny loose wire touching somewhere where it should not.

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