
Seasonal allergy symptoms and length?

by  |  earlier

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I have been super tired for a while, runny nose, stuffy nose itchy eyes etc.. but my point being is: is it just me who gets super tired and worn out at this time of season? It's been going on for a while now too, like 2 weeks.. any time it will stop? Thanks alot




  1. Try some Claritin to get your symptoms under control.  Claritin does not make you sleepy it just fixes your allergies.  The ragweed pollen and mold are really high right now.  When we get the first freeze the pollen levels will drop dramatically.  

    You can buy Claritin over the counter  - like at WalMart - it costs about $8.00 for 24 tablets.  WalMart sells a store brand that cost about $4.00 for 24 tablets.

  2. urrrmmm... sounds like a case of the flu i doubt it would be hayfever unless there was a high pollen count in your area, either way try sum antihistimine tablets for allery relief and sum eye drops, no improvement see a doctor.

  3. Allergies do take alot out of you,just as a cold or flu would,i suggest you take a vitamin c or zinc tab if you have one and get some saline spray.I just got over my allergies and i had them linger for 2 and a half weeks because i have not rid of the cause,my cats.Love em too much.Anyhow,get your rest too. <3

  4. Allergies vary with each person and can last for one month or atleast until the summer "ends". Seasonal usually occurs during summer because of pollen & other plants. Chemicals in the air could also affect you.

    Take some allergy pills like claritin or reactin.  

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