
Seasoning tips for whole pig roasting?

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In about 2 weeks I am having a Pig Roast. We have the roaster, but I have never roasted a whole pig before and I am a little stumped on the seasoning part. I love things spicy, but dont want to go to hot route because some guests may not like it. Also, no recipes with tons of Garlic, I can handle a very small amount, but I dont really like it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks so much.




  1. if you would like it to be like hawaiian style you salt the pig and pour some liquid smoke on it  not to much though a little goes a long way just rub it on the skin of the pig this is the best recipe i have found for roasted pig yet. i have used it many times and have gotten rave reviews from everyone.

    the name of it is kahlua pig.

  2. salt

  3. Good meat does not need much seasoning.  Just rub coarse salt all over it, and sprinkle black pepper.  Are you going to cook it in the ground, Hawaiian style?

    You can always have hot sauce or barbecue sauce to add after it comes out of the ground / oven, for those who want it.

  4. This rub is the best.

    If you can't get it soon enough, mix onion flakes 1#, garlic powder 1/4#, paprika 1#, coarse ground black pepper 1/4# brown sugar 1/2#. These are the basics, use your own tongue to adjust any ingredients to your liking.

    Mix together and rub on pig the night before cooking it.

    Hopefully you skinned the hog, or your seasoning no matter what kind, will not penetrate to the meat..

    Pork butts are a whole lot easier and far less waste. See the recipe on the website i gave you above.

    Good Luck

  5. My family has an annual "roast" and this sauce came from a relative named "Stumpy" ...the best pig ever- buy spray bottles, and label some water and some sauce- use the water to put out the flames if they get too high, and the suace to baste the pig. Slash the skin prior to cooking and pour sauce into it. Enjoy!

    Pig Sauce

    2 quarts cider vinegar

    1/4 cup salt

    2 tablespoons cayenne pepper

    3 tablespoons red pepper flakes

    1 cup light brown sugar

    1 tablespoon hot pepper sauce

    1. In a large bowl, mix together cider vinegar, salt, cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, light brown sugar, and hot pepper sauce. Stir until salt and brown sugar have dissolved. Cover, and let stand at least 3 hours before using as a basting sauce or serving on meat.

  6. it depend, do you want barbque, salty, or sweet are you going to put the meat on a sandwhich or just eat it plain. i say go to a local spanish store buy some red and green peppers, onions, a bottle of hot sauce, and Sofrito. Sofrito is normally used on peneel if i spelled it right, which is usually put in the oven, but its the same difference. poke some holes in it and slather it in and around the pig and put in the roaster. Sofrito is a mix of spices so every one should like it. OH1 and the bottle of hot sauce is too make it spicy if thats what you want

  7. Last night, on Food Network, Bobby Flay did a "Throwdown" for Cuban roasted pig.  Even though they used roasts, you could season it the same way.....  Go to the Food website, where you can search by chef, tv show or recipe....  Search "Throwdown," or Bobby Flay .....

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