
Seat Belt Laws?

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Should the Government have the power to make you wear a seat belt?

Or a helmet for riding a motorcycle??




  1. I agree 100%.  It's unconstitutional and another way to make more money or use another excuse to harass someone that otherwise is driving safe and not a danger.  yeah we all get the point of using a seat belt, but you can't even justify or compare the thinking.  Not wearing a seat belt can harm you and only you.  Doing other risky or stupid things while driving like not having proper tire pressure,  or even a missing right mirror can cause other's harm when that tire blows and you loose control or can't see traffic to the right yet there is no law against those potentially legal dangerous things that can harm others.  When will everyone else realize these things and stop having the government tell us what we can and can't do especially when it has no real public safety reason.  It's a lame excuse to make money and it gets more rediculous.  Save lives while driving?  Make people that don't drive safe learn how to PERIOD!  forget about belts, phones, airbags,  or make it fair and ban asian women,  and alone mothers with more than 2 children from driving in a vehicle.

  2. For children, yes, it should be mandatory.  As for adults... they say seatbelts save lives so it's a law and I do understand that... but at the same time it's legal to smoke... and we all know what that does.  I don't really understand the difference in that.

  3. yes they save lives. i think i can take the 2 seconds to buckle my seat belt or put on my helmet so i can live another 50 of so years.

  4. Isn't there some old saying to the effect that the one who pays the fiddler gets to call the tune?

    If you bonk your head in a crash, a government agency will send an ambulance (maybe a government ambulance like a fire department rescue ambulance), take you to a taxpayer supported hospital, where your bills will be paid for by -- you guessed it -- the taxpayers, since the odds are pretty darn high you won't have medical insurance.  Taxpayers will pay for your rehab, pay for your wife and kids to go on welfare, etc.    Don't taxpayers deserve some say in the matter?  Your odds of death due to brain injury are about 3-4 times higher without a helmet, and it's about the same odds for surviving your crash but with brain injuries that will cause you life-long problems.  Taxpayers will likely pay a lot for that.  And if you do have health insurance, it's the other people who have insurance with the same company who will share in paying your completely avoidable medical bills.    If we're on the hook for your injuries from a motorcycle crash, is it really too much to ask you to try to protect yourself and others?

    And BTW, if you survive a crash with serious brain injuries, who's going to look after you?  You gonna move back home with mom and dad?   Is your wife going to have one more child (you) to look after?   Or if you're single, imagine how s**y and attractive you'll be with brains that don't work right.  I mean, the quality of female you can attract when you've got brain injuries might not be quite up to your current standards.

  5. Actually, if you think about it, they should make you wear a helmet while driving your car...  Air Bag + Seat Belt + helmet  =  nobody dies.

    Then EVERY piece of trash fertile enough to breed will have many offspring to pollute this stagnant, shallow thing called a gene pool.

  6. Yes..............If just one life is saved then it has accomplished its goal and as for it not hurting anyone else, dont forget about your family and friends..........

  7. really i think it should be up to the individual to wear a seat belt or helmet,me i wear my seat belt at all times,but i will never ride a motorcycle on the road to many accidents for me.a lot of people today don't know how to share the i feel safer in my semi....

  8. Statistics prove that they do save lives and prevent head injuries, but it is like smoking, the final decision is yours.

  9. course they should!

    they are protecting your safety more than anything else.

    and preventing more people going into hospital and all that sorta thing.

    well i mean, you can get killed.

  10. In Ireland it's against the law not to wear your seatbelt (all passengers)

    If you are caught you get penalty points on your driving license (usually 2)

    You are allowed a total of 12 penalty points (over a 3 year period) before being banned from driving (for whatever the Judge decides !)

    It's hardly worth the risk !

  11. I'm probably gonna get hit for this answer, but no, they shouldn't force you to wear a seatbelt or wear a helmet.

    These are personal safety items that have no effect on the other drivers of the road. It seems to me that seatbelt and helmet laws are laws to protect the stupid. If you're dumb enough not to wear a seatbelt, or go 90mph on a motorbike without a helmet, then you deserve what is coming to you.

  12. I believe that if you are the age of 18 and older you should have the right to decide if your going to wear a seat belt or a helmet. I think kids should be manitory, but adults, should have a choice, adults make there own choices everyday, so why not make this one!! What really amazes me is when they say, so many people have died because they didn't have their seat belts on, but you never hear so many people died because they did have their seat belts on, and they couldnt' shift their bodies to get out of line of danger!!! It should be our choice!
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