
Seat belt? do you hate it or love it?

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Is there anyone out there who hates to wear their seat belt?




  1. I think it's annoying but then again it can defenitly save your life. Like one time when I was 4 my dad slid on ice and I bumped my head on the dash board and if I wasn't wearing my seatbelt I could have went through the windshield.

  2. I wear mine because I know its safer when worn properly than if not worn at all.  What I hate is that I'm short so when I wear it, the strap cuts into my neck.  Seat belt pads are what make wearing a seat belt for me a tolerable thing.

  3. i hate it. and in georgia you dont have to wear it in a pick up truck if your over 18 so i take full advantage of that. i know its for my own safety but i still hate it. i think it should be up to you to decide if you wear it or not and if you want to put yourself in harm or not.

  4. I feel naked w/o my seatbelt!

  5. i dont mind it

    but if you are to get into a accident

    you could die if not wearing one so i

    always wear my seatbelt just to be safe

  6. i use mine and don't mind, but what i do hate is the government telling me how to keep myself safe and charging me outrageous fines for not doing so

  7. My best friend hit a stopped car at over 50 mph with me in the passenger seat. If it hadn't been for the seatbelt, both of us would have been eating windshield. We are both lucky that we were not seriously hurt.

    I refuse to even put the car in drive until all of my passengers are buckled up.

  8. Both! Seat belts in and of themselves are a gamble. Just a significantly safer one. It's rare that I don't wear mine (there are a lotta nuts out there) but I am all for it being optional. More than a few people are walking rather than sitting in wheelchairs due to not wearing a seatbelt in a side collision.

  9. I flipped my truck end-over-end eight times and walked away without any bruises at all...frankly i love my seat belt, but that's because i like life right now.  Maybe if i become suicidal i'll remove it and try some more vehicular gymnastics!

  10. I hate them, but they do save lives.

  11. It never bothered me, I don't realize I have it on..

  12. Love them, they save lives............

  13. I despise it!!

  14. I think that it is a smart idea

    when you think of the laws of physics anyways

    it doesn't bother me all the time,


    it can be annoying,

    but I'm not an idiot, so I wear it anyways

  15. I like the automatic shoulder belt in my car, I keep a clip on it so it is a little loose and I dont even know its on. but I hate the seperate lap belt so I never use it,its way too tight and hurts my stomach.

  16. I always wear mine. I don't feel comfortable driving without it. Everyone in my family started wearing their seat belt after my uncle was in a bad car accident. He is paralyzed from the waist down because he wasn't wearing his seat belt and was thrown from his car. He actually went out on the passenger side of his car and he was driving.


  18. I love seat is your safety for God's sake....I would never understand why some people are hesitant to wear belt

  19. hate it

  20. I don't think it's a big deal ..

    I automatically put it on whether I'm driving for an hour or driving for 5 seconds down the road.

    Most deadly accidents happen within 5 miles of the persons home.

  21. i lost my fiance because she took off her seatbelt so she could help put the belt on her little brother. as she got back to her seat they hit a patch of ice and rolled over. she didnt have time to put hers back on. i miss her everyday. everyone else in the truck had their belt on and they are ok. so wear the belt cuz it does save lives

  22. i hate them it should be my choice to wear them or not

  23. i hate it like when i'm trying to sleep and stuff or when it rubs on me but i know how important it is so i wear it.

  24. love it

  25. I have to wear my seatbelt. They don't bother me. I got to the movies all the time and I will be searching for a seat belt then i'll realize where I am. I'm weird I guess.

  26. I do hate wearing it. But it is for your protection so I do anyways.

  27. LOVE IT! it will save your life.

  28. i will wear it if im in the front seat but if im in the back i most likley will but it bothers me and sometimes i have to take it off because i get car sick and it makes it worse

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