
Seattle Mariners looking to make some roster moves – MLB News

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Seattle Mariners looking to make some roster moves – MLB News
The Seattle Mariners are looking forward to make some roster moves next season. The 2012 Major League Baseball season is already in the news and the reports about every team’s speculations of preparations, roster moves, new signings and offseason trade are
coming in the media.
Recently, the Mariners’ general manager Jack Zduriencik spoke to the media about the preparations and some roster moves that his top management is seriously thinking to carry out in the future. These efforts might look little extra but on the whole this
is a very positive impact of Seattle Mariners, who seem on the right track.                         
Zduriencik said, “Overall, we're still going to be young, But we'd like to see what is out there and go down a couple different avenues and complement our ballclub with some veteran guys and maybe bring guys on like we did the other day [in a trade with
Tampa Bay for catcher John Jaso] who we'd have control over for a number of years., obviously, everyone talks about Prince and [Albert] Pujols.”
These comments were made when Zduriencik came to attend baseball’s winter meeting in Dallas. He arrived with many other Mariners’ executives and told reporters about the number of positive initiatives that his franchise has proposed to the upper management
and feels these new proposals will likely be accepted.
He was also very optimistic about the young and new talent that the Mariners currently possess and in the recent future this talent will groom into exhilarating players.
Regarding, adding new players, Zduriencik was very vocal and stated that the team is thinking to focus on free agents only.
Many baseball experts also agree on the fact that the Mariners’ GM is doing an exceptional job and sooner or later this strategy of adding free agents into the franchise will help them grow.
When a couple of journalists asked Zduriencik as to the status of Prince Fielder’s agenda to joining the team stated that he considered Fielder to be a top class player but unfortunately the team does not currently have enough resources to be able to afford
But Zduriencik did say that in the coming future, the Mariners are going to take a step forward and will surprise other teams.
The Seattle Mariners, who have made little progress in the last season, are now thinking very positive about their future and with new talent that is likely to come; their entire roster is also feeling a constructive approach forward. The team is working
hard during this offseason period to acquire the right amount of players and balance their veterans in a productive line-up capable of competing with the top tier teams in MLB.



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