
Seaweed face washes?

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I got alot of acne this summer, i have used proactive for like 5 years but it doesnt seem to work anymore. i was wondering if anyone uses the seaweed face wash and toner from the body shop. I bought it yesterday and havent seen rezults yet, i know i wont for a while, but i was wondering if i should go back and get the tea tree oil as well since alot of people seem to be rarving about it. so my questions summed up are

1.does the seaweed wash work

2. Does the tea tree oil washes work better/ just as good

3. any other input on these lines??

thanks so much!




  1. hey there, i used to have a c**p load of acne and i used Tea tree oil face wash(the body shop one) from my sisters recomendation and olay lotion lol don't make fun of me. But i used for about 2 weeks until results showed and i was vey happy for my sophomore pictures! i have never tried the seaweed but it can be a benefit to some extent, you should try it out and test it yourself, it might work for you but i highly recomend the tea tree oil stuff, they are good stuff and people should dump proactive and start using this. I think you should use the face mask from the tea tree oil products too, though its like $17 if your willing to spend that much but i use it sometimes to make my small zits heal a few days before a big event. Hope i helped.

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