
Seaworld proposal?

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I've been talking to SeaWorld about proposing at the park. My original idea was that a trainer ask for two volunteers and choose us. Then, after a couple of tricks, have a dolphin come up to us and bring the ring. They say the only way to do this is on a private "dolphin interaction" that costs $160 per person. I have no problem, but we are going to be 5 and I'm inviting (paying for everything). That's a little over my budget.

Please let me know if you have any other idea or if you know somebody at the park that can help me.

Thank you!!!




  1. seaworld idea is awsome  think it really is worth the money!

  2. whale p**p

  3. That's a really cute idea...but $800 can be spent better somewhere else, like at a romantic dinner together, twilight walk, or carriage ride!

    But if you love the SeaWorld idea, just make it for the two of will be cheaper! ;-)

  4. I think the idea is really awesome!  If the two of you are big fans of Sea World, I'm sure it will totally blow her away!  

    As far as the whole deal goes, why do you need the dolphins to 'bring' the rings to you?  Would the trainers be willing to go through with the whole asking for volunteers deal, and then just letting you pop the question without having to shell out the extra money?  I know you don't want to be cheap about the whole thing, but at the same time, you don't want to spend tons of money on this either.  I'm sure there are other options as to what they can and can't let you do.  Don't let Sea World 'trick' you or 'con' you into spending more money than what you have or need to spend for this to be romantic.  You can probably work together and agree on something without having to spend the extra money for something that's not really needed or necessary.  Good luck and I hope it works out for you!!
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