i just broke up with my boyfriend of four years. we lived together for four years yet broke up the first 6 months and got back together after the summer. now that i think about it, we really couldnt start over since we were living together from the jump. after college i had move back home out of state. we called each other and text messaged frequently.
out of nowhere the communication died down slowly. he says it is because i talk negative when on the phone. he previously said that his iphone was updated to new software and it was acting up and he didn't get text messages like normal. i thought that was a lie and he just made up an excuse to not talk to me as much. to make a long tory short, he said it was becoming less of a want to talk to me to more of a task. also, that we were moving in two different directions. i agreed t a certain degree and that was it. i sent a letter of apology so forth but did not just take the blame for the break up. he text me that he read my messages i emailed to him and that was it since then. what do i do?
is he wanting space or waiting for me to move back to his state (im moving back for a job i got and he knows) and communicate? he did say we should just be friends. i tried to make a long story short. what do you guys think? i want him back and i have been thnking about it since. i sent the letter and feel i should not do anymore after that and live my life until he responds back.
now that we have separate places now, i feel that we could really start over correctly and go slow. i wonder if he is thinking the same but is just not telling me, he has been known to want to say something to me regarding anything about our relationship but sometimes does not want to be vulnerable in case i feel differently. if i didn't explain enough, or it makes no since just ask nicely for me to re-explain.