
Second time smoking weed.....?

by Guest64676  |  earlier

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I've smoked weed twice now. The first time i smoked some purple weed with about 12 hits and no effects ( I know how to inhale so don't give me that bullshit) about a week later i tried it again but just the regular green stuff. I think i took about 6 BIG hits out of the bubbler and then this is what i first my nose was runny and then i started forgetting what just happened like who just gave me the tissue. But as time passed, like 5 min, i started to feel really sick. I felt like i was going to throw up so i rush to the bathroom but don't throw up i just had a weird tingling body feeling and bad memory. The nausea passes and i smoked a couple more small hits out of the homemade hookah and while everyone else were taking huge hits and coughing i just laughed sooo hard.. we then proceed to make french toast but the effects of it wore of like in 45 min. i didnt get the munchies,music sounded normal, and i felt normal. btw it was some good *** weed. So why did i not feel the full effects and tips bout the nausea would be helpful.




  1. weed isn't as good as people make it seem. why would you want to do it anyway?? it ruins your brain and junk. it dosen't feel good. smoking weed dosen't get you high. you got the full effects. people who claim to get high off of weed are lying.stop doing it.

  2. I hear people complain about their first couple times all the time. This wasn't the case for me. I was completely trashed.

  3. change the environment, your too familiar with your surroundings which add to "normal" feeling.

    go to the mall or walk or ride/drive somewhere.

  4. its your mind playin tricks. it might be anxiety too

  5. I think you'll get better at it. If not, well, not everyone likes every drug. I stopped using it when it started making me paranoid, what fun is that.

  6. I've heard very often from people that the first few times they smoke pot they dont feel anything. I think it's just because you don't know what to feel and because pot effects the memory so maybe you just dont even remember noticing how things were different. or maybe people are just expecting more out of it than there is. for me pot just makes me relaxed and content enough to stare at the wall and not get bored. it lightens my mood and makes me feel happy.

    the nausea was most likely because you were more high than you expected. i encountered that as well once or twice when i first started smoking it. a tip would be not to smoke so much next time if you know its really good. go easy and build up a tolerance.

  7. That is what I call, "Justice of the Unicorns".

  8. dont know not stong enough or bunk *** weed

  9. It sounds like you got high (forgetting things, laughing at stupid sh*t, eating).  Just go with the by the shouldn't smoke that c**p!  

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