
Second ultrasound so soon? im confused?

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I went to the dr on friday the 29th(last month), they thought I was 11 or 12 weeks along, but when they tried for a heart beat they found nothing, so they did an ultrasound, and found out I measured at 5 weeks. this is my FIRST pregnancy so I have no idea what the norm is. Anyways they sent me home with another appointment this saturday for another ultrasound. I forgot what the dr said why I am going back so soon because my brain is so clouded lately. Why would they be sending me back so soon? is there something wrong?! please help me ease my worries. Maybe they are just doing another one to confirm how far along I actually am?




  1. I know it is easier said then done when pregnant, but don't worry.  Really.  Worry doesn't change anything and it is actually stressful on the baby.  Also to aid in the whole "not worrying thing" I will say that anymore I have found that some OB's like doing several ultrasounds.  I had 8 over the course of my last pregnancy and my baby was PERFECT in every way.  I know that it is really important that the doctor have a clear date of conceiving and delivery date, so they can monitor the baby's growth based on that, and an ultrasound is the MOST accurate way to determine those dates.  I am certain that the only reason is to establish those two dates!  Consider yourself a lucky girl!  Ultrasounds are fun, you get to see that little beating heart all over again in a day or two!!! :)

    Congratulations!!  And ENJOY!  

  2. Probably since you thought we were much further along than you measured. They are just being cautious. Good luck - everything will be fine.

  3. Did they detect a heartbeat during the ultrasound? Something could be wrong or they need a better picture to find out how far along you are. There's no telling. Good Luck

  4. It sounds like there is just some confusion in how far along you are. It happens... I wouldn't stress it.  

  5. probably just to see the growth.. sometimes you get ultrasounds alot.. think of it this way.. the more you go to the ultrasound spot the more you get to see your baby and get pics.. but everything is probably fine.. if there was something wrong when the dr said something you would have definately remembered it..

  6. I'm sure that's all it is.  If you were pretty sure you were 11 or 12 weeks along and the baby was only measuring 5 weeks, they probably want to recheck the ultrasounds.  This will also show you if your baby is growing at the expected pace.  No need to worry unless they give you something to worry about.

  7. you would be 6 weeks when you go back and at 6 weeks you should see a fetal pole and heart beat,

    I'm 10 weeks and saw the heart beat at 5 weeks and 6 days good luck hun

  8. At 11-12 weeks you should be seeing a also may not be as far along as you thought, and they want to re-check when you come back.  If it is only 5 weeks, then you won't see much..maybe just a sac.  But on teh flip side...there could be a problem if you are 11-12 weeks and only measuring 5 weeks, then it could have stopped growing...good luck.

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