
Secrecy- Is this too much for friendships?

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I'm looking for ways to make new friends - well, not new friends as such... I make new friends rather easily its just that I want to make really good new friends! I have a load of "friends" but I'm looking for best-friends. Sometimes I feel kind of lonely...

The biggest problem I think I have is that I'm very guarded and secretive... It's not in a bad way or anything(or at least I don't think it is!), but is it too much to expect someone to like me if I'm too guarded? The friends that I have and think I'm closest with make jokes like "Oh, you work for the CIA, don't ya?!" and other similar stuff, so I don't think its that big of an issue if they're joking about it. But could it be the source of the problem? Or maybe i'm just not that nice of a guy.... (even though i'm told i'm very sweet and very funny(hopefully not looking...)?)




  1. well you can try being more open when you meet new people and maybe that will help

  2. well,the best way to make new friends and sprout bigger relationships with them is to meet new people and introduce urself, do activities with eachother, share stories of childhood experiences, help eachother out with homework and just be yourself. And if you get into a fight, just take some time then appologize later on.

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