I'm looking for ways to make new friends - well, not new friends as such... I make new friends rather easily its just that I want to make really good new friends! I have a load of "friends" but I'm looking for best-friends. Sometimes I feel kind of lonely...
The biggest problem I think I have is that I'm very guarded and secretive... It's not in a bad way or anything(or at least I don't think it is!), but is it too much to expect someone to like me if I'm too guarded? The friends that I have and think I'm closest with make jokes like "Oh, you work for the CIA, don't ya?!" and other similar stuff, so I don't think its that big of an issue if they're joking about it. But could it be the source of the problem? Or maybe i'm just not that nice of a guy.... (even though i'm told i'm very sweet and very funny(hopefully not looking...)?)