
Secret Life Of American Teen???10 Points best answer!!

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What do you think Amy will name her baby? Do you think Ricky will own up to it? Or do you think Ben will claim the baby and not tell Ricky it's his?




  1. i think Ricky will find out its his but i think ben will claim it. i have no idea what she'll name it. I'm still guessing whether it'll be a boy or girl. I'm guessing boy. Idk y.

  2. Well idk.........i think that the baby will be named after someone in her family. I think Ricky will own up to it. I think Ben is being stupid asking her to marry him. I understand his reasoning but w/e.

    Hey totally off topic but i have a question. I an new to this and i was wondering if there was anyway that i could write answers to  my own questions. Like to agree or disagree with what people were saying. Also is there anyway to edit my questions?

    Thanks for the help and i don't even know if u can answer this  question. My s/n thing is Twilight Lover so idk if they will help.

  3. maybe she will name it after ben or her sister  

  4. 1. i think she'll name her baby if its a boy ben. if its a girl after her sister.

    2. i think ricky will own up to it in the end, but not right away.

    3. i think ben will try but amy will chicken out and tell ricky.

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