
Secret Life of Bees?

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i have to do this assignment on the book Secret Life of Bees

one of the questions is

"Describe Lily’s life ten years after the events of the book occur."

i am not a very good writer, so i just need some ideas.....

i promise i won't plagerize anything, i just need ideas..

thanks :)




  1. she marries someone, has a child, and then she sends her child off to visit the august and her sisters for the summer. go ahead and use this if you want. i dont care.

  2. try and explain how she's matured with the friendship and help of august and the other sisters, and try to write about how she's come to mature through her father's bad nature.

  3. i guess she just stays with the sisters and becomes more and more like august and ends up marrying that guy...i forgot his name

    that baron dude sounds like a perv

  4. I'm sure she'd still have problems with T. Ray. And I'm sure she'd still talk to the daughters. Maybe she'd live in the same town (I forgot the name) where she found May and August and June. Maybe she'd grow to be a better person from the events in the book. Maybe she'd marry that boy that worked for August (forgot his name). Just sit down and think about the different aspects of the book and how you'd react to them and how they would affect you ten years later.
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