
Secret Life of the Aman teenager?

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I missed last weeks episode. Has Amy told her parents yet that she is pregnant. I know she told her sister. But has she told her parents yet. Thanks.




  1. No but she told her dad that she had s*x. He didn't believer her though.

    The episode tonight everyone at her school knew. And she told ben. She was considering abortion. And her dad left them for Adrianne' mom. Jack and Adrianne had oral.

    That should catch you up.

  2. Nope, she hasn't told her parents yet. She told her father she had s*x, not her sister.

    After tonights episode, the following people now she's pregnant :Everyone at school, Amy's sister, Amy's doctor, and Ben her Boyfriend.

    Next episode she tells her mom she's pregnant, and her mom tells her she went throug the same thing.

  3. nope next week she tells her mom and her mom tells

    her she was pregnant when she was a teen too!

  4. no. she told her father that she wasn't a virgin but he didn't believe her. the previews(for the next episode) showed her telling her mother (because her father left, he's cheating) and her mother was just yelling at her and saying that she was too young to have a baby and she Amy started crying. she now knows that Ben knows and her proposed to her but she didn't really accept. you can watch the episodes you missed oh dear, i hope i haven't given away too much. oh yeah and ricky knows but he doesn't really want to believe it. grace, adrian and jack also know...along with the rest of the whole school and grace's parents.

  5. No, but she will for sure next week.

  6. no she hasn't but the next episode like the preview it she told her mom and then after she told her mom...her mom told her that she got pregnant when she was young too

  7. No,but she did kinda say she was having s*x but no one believed her..

    i love her sister!

  8. nope not yet!

  9. You can see the episodes on

  10. no not yet

  11. No, but she will next week. I think.....

    Yeah, they want to drag it out as long as possible because that's pretty much their only plot line.

  12. you can go on abc family aand watch the episodes

  13. Nope, although she told her dad she had s*x and her dad didn't believe her.

  14. you mean american?

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