well my friend last had a period in march or april, none since then. she is on the pill but other than that uses no protection and has s*x regularly with her guy. she missed a period and then started have some of the early symptoms and signs of pregnancy...she was tired a lot, needing the toilet a lot, had nausea and headaches, sore b*****s etc...
she took a couple tests which both showed wat she called faint positives and went to the doc where a pee test showed negative, since this she has felt 'flutters' and more recently 'movements' in her abdomen. the doc has taken bloods and tested for numerous things all of which were negative results. he is convinced she isn't pregnant and i know she doesn't want to be so don't think she can have 'thought herself pregnant'...her stomach does look 'rounder' and her abdomen is quite hard...
she would be close to 5 months now i think if she were...is it possible that she could be pregnant but she cant prove it??