
Secret life of an american teenager opinion of parents?

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my mom says shows like this will ruin my mind (shes a psychologist) what r other parents opinions?




  1. My mum doesn't like all the religious propaganda in it.

  2. My mom thinks it's unrealistic and a complete joke.

    Teen pregnancy is such a delicate subject, and this series tore it apart and even glamorized it.

    Juno was much more realistic in my family's opinion, even though it was quirky. The characters and the situation were just more real.

  3. actually that show is pretty much teaching kids out there a lesson about s*x, so they won't s***w there lives up like them.

  4. I'm not a parent-- I'm almost 15 actually, and I know my mom would think it's inappropriate.  I don't think a lot of parents realize how much their kids know.  Personally, I love the show, and it's changed my opinion of s*x-- it's more wrong to do at a young age than I thought.

  5. I no parent, but I think the show is good for teenagers to watch. It let's you know, that having s*x to early can ruin your life! It also appeals to many different age groups and types of people. I disagree with your mom!

  6. well i'm not a parent...but yeah I do watch the show. i disagree with your mom. it's a show that teaches a lesson to everyone about teenage pregnancy. it's a show about real life situations that could actually help someone if they have a similar situation. your mom should be able to see that this show has a really good down to earth moral to it about real life teenagers. don't isn't ruining your mind.

  7. I'm not a parent, but i totally disagree with ur mom, its teaching us a lesson about teenage pregnancy and how it strains the relationship between the pregnant girl and the people around her, especially if shes scared about telling her parents about the baby.

  8. i think they should take that horrible show off the air.

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