

by Guest33217  |  earlier

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Is sectarianism finally beginning to come to an end in Belfast and indeed right across Northern Ireland?

Do you get along with people of the 'other side'?

Don't think I'm ignorant to the situations of the past in the North, some of my family came from Ulster years ago.




  1. Little by little, yes. As an Irish person, I would say that the relationship between North and South has improved a lot. Take this for example -

    "TAOISEACH Brian Cowen praised Ian Paisley for “showing great leadership and immense vision” in helping to bring about the historic agreement of 2007."

    The Taoiseach is Ireland's Prime Minister and Ian Paisley was the "First Minister" of Northern Ireland until recently.Ian Paisley has been the face of hard-lined Ulster Protastantism for many decades. The North and South now work together on a number of common interests, such as tourism and job creation.

    Hardlined parties in Northern Ireland, like Ian Paisley's DUP (pro British) and Gerry Adam's Sinn Féin (pro Irish) are now sharing power together, and yesterday even agreed on how Northern Ireland should be policed -

    The situation in Northern Ireland is also improving with regard to the relationship between people on both sides of the community -

    "Loyalist marching season gets off to peaceful start"

    "Neighbourhood cop says:Marching season could be most peaceful yet"

  2. Things are nowhere near as bad as they were in the past, and the most people couldn't care less what religion someone is, but unfortunately you don't have to scratch too far beneath the surface in some people to uncover the inner bigot.

    Just going by people I have worked with in the past and present there is still some dislike there but all in all we get along quite well.

  3. it will never truly come to an end

    i have loyalist coworkers who i have a perfectly good relationship with during work but other than that i would not assosicate  with any people from the other side as you say

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